WHEREAS, since (date), (name of municipality) has experienced a persistent and unwarranted level of aircraft noise [or other type of noise]; and
WHEREAS, research studies have demonstrated that children in schools bombarded by frequent [aircraft] noise have difficulty in acquiring speech recognition skills, are impaired in cognitive development, and lag behind in reading skills; and
WHEREAS, chronic noise has also been related to other problems in children including hearing damage, chronic cardiovascular activation, feelings of increased annoyance and irritation, and motivational difficulties such as learned helplessness;
WHEREAS, the proposed federal legislation, the "Quiet Communities Act"--S.951 and H.B. 536-- would help alleviate noise pollution problems by removing federal noise monitoring responsibility from the Federal Aviation Administration and placing it with the Environmental Protection Agency;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the (board of education.) or (other government body) calls upon United States Senators (name) and (name), United States Congressman (name) to co-sponsor S.951 or H-R.536, the "Quiet Communities Act."
FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that the (name of board of education) or (other government body) calls upon Governor (name), State Senator (name), State Assemblyman (name), and the (name of county governing unit) to institute immediate steps to dramatically reduce this noise pollution over the learning institutions of (name of municipality) and to support and S.95l and H.R.536, The "Quiet Communities Act."
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