A new book by noise expert Arline Bronzaft introduces children to the delights of every day sounds and alerts them to the bad sounds that can hurt their ears. Click here for more information.
Needless Noise: The Negative Impacts of Helicopter Traffic in New York City and
the Tri-State Region.
By Carolyn Cunningham. December 1999. (Print version: 68 pp., $5.00)
To order this publication from NRDC, send a completed version with a check or money order to NRDC Publications Department with the name of the publication and where to send it, 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011. All orders must be prepaid, U.S. dollars only. Please allow 2 weeks for delivery. For more information, please call the NRDC Publications Department at 212-727-4486.
Flying Off Course:
Environmental Impacts of America's Airports.
Natural Resources Defense Council. Oct. 1996.
This online report examines the noise, ground-level air quality, water
pollution, global warming, and energy efficiency issues associated with
America's airports. The information is excerpted from NRDC's print publication,
Flying Off Course, published in October 1996. The specific data in the Airport
Survey Results tables was collected in a 1995 National Airport Survey.
For copies of the printed report Flying Off Course, please send $10.50 plus $3.50 shipping and handling to: NRDC Publications Department, 40 West 20 Street, New York, NY 10011. California residents must add 7.25% sales tax. Please make checks payable to NRDC in U.S. dollars only.