"Protecting the public's health, environment, and property; promoting safety; and advocating a sustainable, equitable and accountable aviation industry."
Citizens Aviation Watch Association is an organization of
STAKEHOLDERS dedicated to protecting the health, safety and welfare of
individuals and communities that are affected by the air transport industry. Citizens Aviation Watch
Association is the leading public advocacy group focusing on aviation issues.
The Association is comprised of local airport affected groups,
environmental organizations and civic groups, cities and townships and Baylor
University School of Aviation Sciences who are concerned about noise,
environment, public health and other quality of life issues related to aviation
operations. The Alliance is also a non-governmental organization representing
member and associate organizations in 27 countries.
Many of our members
are employed in the aerospace industry as pilots, air-traffic controllers,
employees of NASA and Boeing, top scientists in many different fields, as well
as doctors, professors and many others. As a result, we have a strong
working knowledge of the issues, bringing strong factual evidence to the table.
As it is CAWA's mission to unite organizations and municipalities, our goal is to represent the interest of individual residents. Therefore, we encourage individuals to support your local Monitored Airport organization.
The above treaty is in its earliest phase. It is the first draft to bring a Treaty Circle together after which different drafts will emerge based upon the Treaty Circle's participants. For initial participation, please contact Dr. Verhagen who has volunteered to coordinate the first phase at gaia1@rcn.com.
It is the intention that this Treaty is going to be signed by various organizations at the Rio Earth Summit in June 2012.
National Aviation Capacity Expansion Bills:
Aviation Capacity Expansion Act - S1786 (Senate Bill)
National Aviation Capacity Expansion Act
- HR 3479 (House companion
S 633 documentation (The Aviation Delay Prevention Act). This is a very harmful bill that would mandate airport expansion and take away any alternatives to increasing transportation capacity such as high-speed rail. (S 633 Action Alert, S 633 Bill, Working Copy)
HR 2107 documentation (End Gridlock at Our Nation’s Critical Airports Act of 2001) This is a dangerous bill which will take away the states' rights on airport issues. (Click Here for More Information)
US-CAWA presentation to
the US-EPA Federal Facilities Conference (8/15/01).
Show your support for an airport expansion moratorium, comprehensive health
study, and meaningful relief from aviation related pollution. Send it to your
members of congress.
Air traffic fuels global warming trend Jetliner pollution gets scant focus in U.S., but issue on U.N. agenda for climate talks By Jon Bonné MSNBC 7/16/01.
Morrow, Lance. "Airline Pollution: The Sky Has Its Limits." Time Magazine. May. 07, 2001. Air traffic is getting noisier and dirtier, and the FAA is doing a lousy job of controlling it.
The Big Fix: The Pros and Cons of Options to Cut Flight Delays. By David Morgan. ABC NEWS. Feb. 12.
Airport Neighbors Open Letter to Washington (Response to new AIR Industry Government Coalition).
Blind, Flying Safe"
The following are excerpts from the book
Flying Blind, Flying Safe by Mary Schiavo, former inspector general for the U.S.
Department of Transportation (Avon Books, 1997). The book focuses on the failure
of the Federal Aviation Administration to independently evaluate safety in
aviation, and in so doing reveals the organizational character of the FAA.
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Email US-Citizens Aviation Watch Association: info@us-caw.org